Cultural and wellbeing routes through the Costa Brava

a sensory journey EN

Luxuriant gardens. The fragrance of lavender, rosemary and laurel. Old smugglers’ paths. Herbal tea from ancient Greece. Millenary skin treatments. Rivers, medieval fountains and cisterns. The thermal baths along the Via Augusta. The sound of the wind and the touch of a tree trunk. Breathing deeply, feeling and sensing. Seeds and micro-algae. Freshly-baked bread. Centuries of artisanal expertise…

This is the trailer for a sensory journey through the Costa Brava. A journey to smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it and also observe it in a new light.

And to achieve this, I propose four unusual itineraries, four
routes to smell those Mediterranean herbs so typical of these landscapes; to follow the course of the water that has always been the vehicle of so many cultures; to become conscious of the setting around us and of ourselves at the same time and, lastly, to discover just how tastes of the past, inherited from way back in time, have been revived.

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PATRONAT DE TURISME COSTA BRAVA GIRONA SA tractarà les meves dades personals amb la finalitat de processar la meva sol·licitud de subscripció i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre les seves activitats, així com per complir les seves obligacions legals i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre altres activitats que es puguin ajustar al meu perfil. La política de privacitat indica com puc exercir els meus drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, limitació, portabilitat i oposició.

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