La Farella slide 0 La Farella slide 0

La Farella

Llancà, Alt Empordà

Photographer Jaume Campderros

The name of Platja de la Farella comes from the use of ‘farells’ by the fishermen.

The name of Platja de la Farella comes from the use of ‘farells’ by the fishermen.

It is thought that the name of the beach comes from the fact that they used to fish here using lights (the fishing boats, purse seine boats, used a light to attract and catch shoals of fish) and that the term ‘farell’ (‘little lighthouse’) gave the beach the name of Farella. Actually, the beach is officially divided into Farella and Farella del Mig, which are essentially two beaches joined together and separated by a reef that goes out towards the sea. It is approximately 260 metres long. To get there you should take the road that separates Llançà from Port de la Selva and follow the signs to the beach. But getting there on foot is also highly recommended, following the Camí de Ronda coastal path. The views that you’ll encounter along the way are worth it.

ico platges apte per nens
  • Coarse, Rocks
  • By car and on foot
  • Couples, Hikers
  • 30
  • 200
  • 1km
  • Residencial

Port de Llançà Information point

Plaça del Port, Llançà, Espanya

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