Summer Travels


In summer…
…the Girona Pyrenees ski resorts of La Molina, Vall de Núria and Vallter 2000 keep their ski lifts open, making it easier for hikers of all ages to enjoy the high mountains.

…it’s worth trying some seasonal gastronomic specialities such as xicoies (dandelion) in Cerdanya, fruit gazpachos, empedrat (salt cod salad) with Santa Pau fesols (white beans) with their protected designation of origin (PDO) seal and rice dishes with vegetables or shellfish.

…it’s very tempting to jump into the sea and enjoy some water sports. In addition to kayaking, sailing and diving, the Costa Brava also offers other aquatic activities such as surfing and paddle-surf, guided open-water swimming, snorkelling and coasteering, among others.

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