Cultural and wellbeing routes throug the Girona Pyrenees

a sensorial journey II EN

A walk in slow motion. The keys to an ancient chapel. An infusion of elderberry. Art with pine cones, tree bark and charcoal. Filling a bath with bubbles. A trinxat and a high altitude wine. Surprising organic architecture. Closing your eyes, breathing deeply. Iberian ceramics and Roman coins. Scent of pine, moss and wet earth. Vegan cuisine under the stars. A canopied bed.

A Sensory Journey II is the second part of the first volume, A Sensory Journey through the Costa Brava, and this time we smell, touch, feel, taste and listen to the Girona Pyrenees. And we get to know it from a different perspective.

For this I propose four unusual itineraries, four routes to return to the land to become aware of our environment and of ourselves; to listen to that pure silence that we sometimes forget exists; to smell
the Pyrenean flowers that dot these landscapes and to return to all that wisdom bequeathed us by our grandparents.

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PATRONAT DE TURISME COSTA BRAVA GIRONA SA tractarà les meves dades personals amb la finalitat de processar la meva sol·licitud de subscripció i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre les seves activitats, així com per complir les seves obligacions legals i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre altres activitats que es puguin ajustar al meu perfil. La política de privacitat indica com puc exercir els meus drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, limitació, portabilitat i oposició.

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