• Five plans for the whole familiy on the Costa Brava

    Written by Emma Aixalà


    Here we suggest a selection of countryside and beach activities for kids that are as fun as they are enriching.

    Written by Emma Aixalà


  • Discover new horizons with your family on the Costa Brava

    Written by Sílvia Rodríguez


    Si a casa vostra aprofiteu qualsevol sortida per aprendre sobre la natura i la vida animal, mentre gaudiu del mar i de la muntanya, no us podeu perdre la nostra proposta d’activitats familiars.

    Written by Sílvia Rodríguez


  • Traditions and experiences to enjoy the festive season

    Written by Txell Vila


    Christmas is a time for cannelloni, crisp biscuit rolls and nougat. But beyond the five-star gastronomy of the counties of Girona, the Costa Brava and the Girona Pyrenees are full of options for everyone at Christmas. There are plenty of opportunities to enjoy experiences and traditions, and to enjoy the festive season.

    Written by Txell Vila


  • Celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

    Written by Txell Vila


    In 1992, the United Nations General Assembly declared the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Its aim is to promote the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. In the Girona area, several activities are organised to commemorate this day. Today we will review two of them, to be combined with other inclusive proposals in our territory.

    Written by Txell Vila


  • 5 Plans for the whole family in the Girona Pyrenees

    Written by Emma Aixalà


    A unique train, dormant volcanoes, a snow park, an enchanted forest and a very special dairy farm. Whichever plan you choose, success is guaranteed.

    Written by Emma Aixalà


  • Family golf

    Written by Elisa Bernal Vico


    The Costa Brava is one of Spain’s most beautiful regions, boasting a wealth of gorgeous scenery, stunning beaches and historic towns. In addition to being a popular tourist destination, it is also well known for being a golfer’s paradise.

    Written by Elisa Bernal Vico


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