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Pla de l’Estany

Costa Brava

Photographer Laurence Norah

Welcome to Pla de l’Estany, a young county (created in 1988) with just eleven municipalities but packed with great attractions.

Its unique character is largely due to Banyoles lake, a natural treasure full of life, where mallards, grey herons, gulls and many other birds coexist. This is a wonderful area for walks and the lake itself is ideal for all sorts of activities, such rowing, fishing and swimming.

Welcome to Pla de l’Estany, a young county (created in 1988) with just eleven municipalities but packed with great attractions.

Its unique character is largely due to Banyoles lake, a natural treasure full of life, where mallards, grey herons, gulls and many other birds coexist. This is a wonderful area for walks and the lake itself is ideal for all sorts of activities, such rowing, fishing and swimming.

Pla de l'Estany France Pyrenees Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava

Consell Comarcal del Pla de l'Estany

C. Catalunya, 48, 17820, Banyoles

Visit Pla de l’Estany

La comarca té molts altres arguments per captivar-te: espais menys coneguts i de gran bellesa, com el paratge de les Estunes; un llegat històric ric, amb les coves prehistòriques de Serinyà o el Parc Neolític de la Draga (Banyoles).

El Pla de l’Estany també hi trobaràs pobles pintorescos com Porqueres, Sant Miquel de Campmajor o Crespià; i molta cultura popular, amb festes, fires i esdeveniments gastronòmics, i tradicions tan insòlites com el Ball del Cornut a Cornellà del Terri.

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