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A municipality in Ripollès whose mining past is still visible, Ogassa is home to the emblematic Taga mountain.

A municipality in Ripollès whose mining past is still visible, Ogassa is home to the emblematic Taga mountain.

Sant Martí d'Ogassa Local Council

Avinguda de les Mines, 17861, s n, Sant Martí d'Ogassa, Espanya

Ogassa Pla de l’Estany França Pirineu de Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava

Life in Ogassa is marked by the peaks that watch over it and by its mining past. You’ll need plenty of time if you want to enjoy all the charms of this town in Ripollès. The climb up to the Taga peak (2,040 m) and the views from the Cavallera mountain range; a route taking in the springs and waterfalls scattered throughout the area; a visit (helmet included) of the old coal mines; or a stroll to the Romanesque churches of Sant Martí d’Ogassa and Sant Martí de Surroca. If you still have some time left over you can visit the Tall Obert fossil site in Can Camps.

Experiences - Ripollès

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