Hiking the Costa Brava Coastal Paths

hiking the costa brava coastal paths EN

What started as small footpaths along the cliffs to connect fishing villages in the 19th Century, evolved into police surveillance and border patrol routes to stop smuggling along the Catalan coast in the 20thCentury. Nowadays you can hike the “Camí de Ronda” Costa Brava Coastal Paths and this eBook will give you a great introduction into what the trail is like, what you can expect to see, answer many logistical questions, and provide you with further resources or companies that can assist you in your planning. In addition, it will provide an itinerary proposal that the author took along the coast, where she stayed, ate, and what gear she brought.

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PATRONAT DE TURISME COSTA BRAVA GIRONA SA tractarà les meves dades personals amb la finalitat de processar la meva sol·licitud de subscripció i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre les seves activitats, així com per complir les seves obligacions legals i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre altres activitats que es puguin ajustar al meu perfil. La política de privacitat indica com puc exercir els meus drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, limitació, portabilitat i oposició.

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