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The Romanesque paintings of Santa Eulalia slide 0 The Romanesque paintings of Santa Eulalia slide 0

The Romanesque paintings of Santa Eulalia

Centre de Turisme Cultural Sant Domènec - Ajuntament de Peralada

We propose a tourist route through the rich archaeological, historical and artistic heritage of the Church of Santa Eulàlia in Vilanova de la Muga to discover what is hidden behind this monumental complex.
Inside, the Romanesque wall paintings of the central nave will be revealed, with the Pantocrator and the images of the tetramorph and two scenes from the life of Jesus.
In recent years (2018-2019) restoration work has been carried out which has made it possible to find wall paintings, probably from the 17th century, of which there was no record, highlighting the discovery of the image of Santa Eulàlia.
We will then carry out a guided itinerary to discover the main medieval remains of the town, among which we highlight the medieval lock, point of origin of the old water mill.

Centre de Turisme Cultural Sant Domènec - Ajuntament de Peralada

Andere erfahrungen - kulturelle aktivitäten

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