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Essence and secrets of Tossa de Mar slide 0 Essence and secrets of Tossa de Mar slide 0

Essence and secrets of Tossa de Mar


Fotograf Arxiu Atri Cultura i Patrimoni

Atri Cultura i Patrimoni

We’ll explore the ancient fishing town of Tossa de Mar, guided by an archaeologist and historian who’ll reveal the hidden secrets of Roman, mediaeval, modern and present-day Tossa. We’ll discover the origins of Turissa through the Roman Villa of Els Ametllers, a fascinating, little-known Roman site where the Romans made wine. We’ll immerse ourselves in mediaeval Tossa, strolling around the only walled town on the Costa Brava. All of this in an idyllic setting that is home to some amazing natural and cultural heritage.

Fotograf Arxiu Atri Cultura i Patrimoni

Andere erfahrungen - kulturelle aktivitäten

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