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Cap de Creus Natural Park


Photographer Oscar Rodbag

The Cap de Creus Natural Park is the first maritime-terrestrial natural park in Catalonia. It has many natural and cultural values that are protected by diverse protection statuses, depending on the importance of the zone. One of these statuses is that of greatest protection in Catalonia: Integral Nature Reserve. The Cap de Creus has two of the four Integral Nature Reserves that are found in Catalonia: Cap de Creus in Cadaqués, and Cap Norfeu in Roses.

The Cap de Creus Natural Park is the first maritime-terrestrial natural park in Catalonia. It has many natural and cultural values that are protected by diverse protection statuses, depending on the importance of the zone. One of these statuses is that of greatest protection in Catalonia: Integral Nature Reserve. The Cap de Creus has two of the four Integral Nature Reserves that are found in Catalonia: Cap de Creus in Cadaqués, and Cap Norfeu in Roses.

The Cap de Creus Integral Nature Reserve is the easternmost part of the Park and is characterised by its particular morphology which inspired artists such as Salvador Dalí, the author Josep Pla, etc. The effects of the tramuntana—the northern wind— and the salinity of the sea contribute to the forming of this landscape with great geological value thanks to the outcrops of metamorphic and granite rocks. In the coastal area, there are plants that are better adapted to the climate conditions of this zone, which, without a doubt, are the most interesting plant life in the Park and cannot be found in any other place along the Catalan coast. The most characteristic species are Armeria ruscinonensis, Limonium tremolsiiand, in particular, Seseli farrenyi, an authentic botanical gem, as it is not found in any other place in the world. These species are all protected species.

The park is accredited with:

A collaboration commitment between the entity and the territory to work on responsible, sustainable and quality tourism management.

  • ico superficie


    (10.780 ha de superfície terrestre i 3.064 de superfície marítima)

  • Species Pi blanc, Alzina surera, Estepa borrera, Estepa blanca, Estepa negra, Càdec, Armèria, Fonoll marí, Posidònia, Caragola, Sèseli de farreny, Ensopeguera, Limonium geronense, Pebrots de ruc, Campanera de Sicília, Bunium bulbocastanum, Isòet, Falzia roja, Asplenium obovatum, Falguera marina, Cosentinia vellea, Escanyacabres, Alga de mar, Coscinocladium gaditanum, Roccella phycopsis, Llangardaix comú, Ratpenat orellut, Ratpenat gran de ferradura, Àliga cuabarrada , Cabirol, Corb marí emplomallat, Coral vermell, Dofí llistat, Dofí mular, Tortuga de rierol, Xoriguer petit, Duc, Llagosta plegamans, Geozona 160 Roques de Cap de Creus, Geozona 162 Extrem oriental de la Península de Cap de Creus, Geozona 164 Paleozoic del Cap Norfeu

Information centre

Palau de l’Abat (Monestir de Sant Pere de Rodes)
17489, El Port de la Selva

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