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Alt Empordà

Photographer Santi Bosch

A municipality in Alt Empordà located in the Sierra de Rodes surrounded by the Cap de Creus and Aiguamolls de l’Empordà natural parks.

A municipality in Alt Empordà located in the Sierra de Rodes surrounded by the Cap de Creus and Aiguamolls de l’Empordà natural parks.

Pau Local Council

Carrer de Sant Pere, 2, 17494 Pau, Espanya

Pau Pla de l’Estany França Pirineu de Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava

In the ​​Pau region, we also find Vilaüt Lake, the last vestige of the old Castelló lake, a tranquil spot that is home to many species and which puts on a breathtaking display when its yellow lilies and buttercups bloom with the arrival of the summer birds. The bird watching observatory in this oasis of calm has a special history, as the first hide of its kind to be built in Catalonia (1983). The imposing Torre d’en Mornau is a stone’s throw from Vilaüt, a large nineteenth century cortal, a type of building that originated in the Aiguamolls area and is listed as part of the Architectural Heritage of Catalonia.

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