The Senses of Discovery

the senses of discovery EN

A group of older ladies enjoy listening to the forest. A man rides a handcycle through verdant mountains. Children and teenagers explore the lake in their kayaks. A man visits a medieval village using his senses of touch and hearing. A young woman submerges herself in the silence of the Mediterranean waters. Two friends take a flight they never imagined they would be able to. A group goes on an exciting train ride. All of them are our hosts.

This is a journey around the province of Girona, divided into 8 chapters and guided by people with diverse capacities doing real things to discover the heritage and activities that can be enjoyed on the Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees throughout the entire year.

This informative tourist guide can be used by everyone. This is thanks to the technology it uses to make it accessible using mobile devices and applications that transform and modify it to adapt it to different people’s needs. It has been created with direct and easy-to-understand text, descriptions of the images, sign language and subtitling in the videos.

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PATRONAT DE TURISME COSTA BRAVA GIRONA SA tractarà les meves dades personals amb la finalitat de processar la meva sol·licitud de subscripció i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre les seves activitats, així com per complir les seves obligacions legals i enviar-me comunicacions (fins i tot per mitjans electrònics) sobre altres activitats que es puguin ajustar al meu perfil. La política de privacitat indica com puc exercir els meus drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, limitació, portabilitat i oposició.

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