Ardenya – Gavarres slide 0 Ardenya – Gavarres slide 0

Ardenya – Gavarres

A quite long route which is quite demanding, but without significant gradients, apart from the upper part of Sant Grau Col, that will require a burst of energy.

A quite long route which is quite demanding, but without significant gradients, apart from the upper part of Sant Grau Col, that will require a burst of energy.

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A quite long route which is quite demanding, but without significant gradients, apart from the upper part of Sant Grau Col, that will require a burst of energy. Recommended for leisurely rides during the autumn, winter or spring, when the sun and beach tourism have not yet collapsed the area.

Pla de l’Estany França Pirineu de Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava
  • 13 hours and 45 minuts
  • 137.56 Km.
  • 2613
  • 2613
  • Moderate
  • 476
  • 9
  • Circular
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