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Platja d’Aigua Xel·lida slide 0 Platja d’Aigua Xel·lida slide 0

Platja d’Aigua Xel·lida

Tamariu, Baix Empordà


Photographer Claudia Cama

Amongst rocks and pine trees that reach right up to the shoreline, this small cove was the first stop in Josep Pla’s Un viatge frustrat (A frustrated journey).

Amongst rocks and pine trees that reach right up to the shoreline, this small cove was the first stop in Josep Pla’s Un viatge frustrat (A frustrated journey).

Palafrugell’s Town Council and the Josep Pla Foundation have set up two plaques to commemorate this. It is here where Pla met Sebastià Puig, who was nicknamed L’Hermós (the handsome one), and who would become his close friend and accompany him on his journey along the Costa Brava. In fact, l’Hermós used to live in Aigua Xellida, which was then far less accessible. It’s barely 25 metres long and a dozen wide. With its fine sand, the views are magnificent. You’ll want to explore the rocks, take a dip and wander amongst the trees as they sway gently in the breeze. It lies to the north of the Tamariu area. You can leave the car on Avi Xicu Street and walk to the beach. Another option is to walk from Tamariu. There’s about one and a half kilometres from the beach of Tamariu

  • Fine sand
  • By boat and on foot
  • Couples, Families, Hikers
  • 12
  • 25
  • 1km
  • Natural

Calella de Palafrugell Information point

Carrer de les Voltes, 4, Palafrugell, Espanya