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Sant Martí Vell


Photographer Ajuntament de Sant Martí Vell

This Gironès municipality contains a village and small hamlets surrounded by nature, with beautiful views of Gavarres from Els Ángels mountain.

This Gironès municipality contains a village and small hamlets surrounded by nature, with beautiful views of Gavarres from Els Ángels mountain.

Sant Martí Vell Local Council

17462 Sant Martí Vell, Espanya

Sant Martí Vell Pla de l’Estany França Pirineu de Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava

Sant Martí Vell has plenty of charms and doesn’t hide them. On the contrary, they’re in plain sight. A little town crowned by a majestic church that preserves its mediaeval character, surrounded by the landscape of the Gavarres massif, with its mountains, pine and cork oak forests, streams and springs. And overlooking it all, standing atop one of its peaks, Puig Alt, is the sanctuary of Mare de Déu dels Àngels. The beauty of this place and panoramic view of almost all the counties of Girona, is what made Salvador Dalí fall in love with this corner of paradise and choose it as the place for his wedding with his beloved Gala.

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