Sant Jaume de Llierca slide 0 Sant Jaume de Llierca slide 0

Sant Jaume de Llierca


Photographer Nicholas Burns

A municipality in Garrotxa where you can explore hidden natural corners alongside the babbling waters of the River Fluvià.

A municipality in Garrotxa where you can explore hidden natural corners alongside the babbling waters of the River Fluvià.

Sant Jaume de Llierca Local Council

Carrer Angela Brutau, 1, 17854 Sant Jaume de Llierca, Espanya

Sant Jaume de Llierca Pla de l’Estany França Pirineu de Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava

Sant Jaume de Llierca has prepared a great programme for you to explore this municipality in Garrotxa to the full: excursions in shady forests, trails leading to beauty spots such as the Puda spring, the little chapel of Santa Magdalena (well hidden among the greenery) or the ruins of the watchtower of the castle of Montpalau. And with the murmur of the Fluvià river to accompany you wherever you walk.

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