This Alt Empordà municipality is a small village on the Empordà plain, which earns a living from the fertile land watered by the stream that gives it its name.
This Alt Empordà municipality is a small village on the Empordà plain, which earns a living from the fertile land watered by the stream that gives it its name.
Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 2, Siurana, Espanya
In common with Priorat, Alt Empordà also has a town called Siurana, which has always been associated with a lake of the same name, a large body of water that was drained in the mid-nineteenth century to grow crops. When it rains heavily, however, and the streams and irrigation canals can no longer hold the deluge, the lake and pools resurface and Siurana regains its glistening vibrance. Stroll through the fertile landscape of this plain, retrace the ancient Camí Ral (Royal Way) and climb up to Siurana’s highest point to visit the ruins of the castle and the church of Santa Coloma.