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Sant Martí de Llémena


Photographer Harold Abellán

A Gironès municipality in the Llémena Valley, surrounded by water, ancient volcanoes, small churches and hermitages, with abundant natural beauty to enjoy.

A Gironès municipality in the Llémena Valley, surrounded by water, ancient volcanoes, small churches and hermitages, with abundant natural beauty to enjoy.

Sant Martí de Llémena Local Council

17153 Sant Martí de Llémena, Espanya

Sant Martí de Llémena Pla de l’Estany França Pirineu de Girona Alt Empordà Garrotxa Osona La Selva Baix Empordà Gironès Ripollès Cerdanya Costa Brava

Sant Martí de Llémena is synonymous with volcanoes. This municipality in Gironès stands on an uneven terrain of hills, mountain streams and volcanoes (volcano of Morer peak and volcano of La Banya de Boc). Come prepared with sturdy footwear and get ready to explore the volcanic terrain, along with the churches and chapels dotted around the area. You won’t need to fill your water bottle up too much because there are plenty of natural springs to quench your thirst: Els Esquirols, Els Gelats, El Joncar… To round off your visit, climb to the top of the cliffs of Sant Martí and Sant Roc. The views are well worth it!

Experiences - Gironès

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