As well as caring for the landscape and its resources, a peaceful coexistence between cyclists, vehicles and pedestrians is essential for guaranteeing a fun cycle tourism experience. Shall we give it a go?
The Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees have become firmly established as a paradise for cycling enthusiasts. A destination with a wide range of itineraries and landscapes to explore: from road cycling along winding routes that connect the Mediterranean with high mountain terrain, to gravel or MTB trails for those who dare to be adventurous. Then there’s the bikepacking routes, such as the Greenways that allow you to discover the region sustainably and at a more leisurely pace. A whole host of two-wheeled options that, when paired with all the experiences on offer that range from the peaceful discovery of landscapes to demanding mountain time trials, make the destination the ideal place to enjoy cycling in any of its forms.
Montgrony, Ripollès. David Rueda. Arxiu imatges PTCBG
Best practices on the road
An effective coexistence between cyclists, vehicles and pedestrians is essential for ensuring a safe and pleasant cycling experience. This is why the Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees are highly appreciated by road-bikers, due to the exceptional respect shown by drivers towards cyclists. This coexistence must be maintained and nurtured by respecting the Highway Code and following some small (or big!) tips on best practices, such as signalling your movements in plenty of time, avoiding riding in very large groups and slowing down in urban areas and in spaces shared with pedestrians. In addition, for the cyclist’s own safety, it is important to remember to wear a securely fastened helmet and to be visible at all times, by installing a red light on the seat post and wearing bright colours and reflective materials, especially in the early hours of the morning and in the evening. These recommendations, that are also reiterated in the Costa Brava road cycling map, are key to ensuring everyone’s safety.
Vallter. The Col Collective. Arxiu imatges PTCBG
Responsible experiences
Although by its very philosophy cycle tourism is a fun and sustainable way to discover the region, we must also be aware of some aspects that allow for better coexistence with the landscape and environment. Experiences such as Pirinexus, the 353-kilometre circular route along the Greenways, or the climb to iconic summits such as Vallter 2000, are when the importance of being responsible with nature come to the fore: for example, by following the established routes to avoid the erosion of the terrain and respecting the local fauna and flora. Discovering these and other routes that allow you to enjoy breathtaking landscapes on two wheels is also possible thanks to Wikiloc and other similar platforms, which are invaluable for excitedly preparing each excursion while ensuring you have all the information you need to enjoy the best possible experience.
Costa Brava. Volata. Arxiu imatges PTCBG
Local contribution
In addition, the region offers numerous cycle tourism experiences that combine a passion for cycling with the discovery of the area, such as guided tours, wine and local product tastings and cultural proposals, to name just a few. Participating in these activities not only allows you to enjoy a more authentic experience in tune with the culture of the area, but also contributes to the economic sustainability of small businesses and local producers, while allowing for a positive relationship with the community and fostering respectful and enriching tourism practices for everyone.
In short, safety and respect for the land are key to the coexistence between cyclists and the region’s ecosystem, ensuring that future generations will also be able to enjoy these unique landscapes and their flora and fauna. For this reason, discovering the most comprehensive and sought-after cycling destination in southern Europe is an invitation to live every pedal stroke to the full, with a sense of pride at becoming at one with a land that knows how to preserve its essence, while embracing new ways of active tourism. So check out the proposed routes and experiences and start planning your next two-wheeled adventure!