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Consorci de les Vies Verdes de Girona

Pirinexus is a circular cycling tourism route linking the territories on both sides of the Pyrenees mountain range and connecting with EuroVelo8.
Pirinexus offers 353 kilometers of cycling for cycling enthusiasts, combining physical exercise in the open air in pleasant surroundings with the added value of discovering the region being visited. The route is a cross-border cycle tourism product that allows continuous cycling with more than 700 signposts and connects two territories with sustainable mobility infrastructures, encouraging respect for the environment and promoting tourism. Pirinexus offers a wide range of culture, history, nature, sport, enotourism and gastronomy.

Фотограф Stella Rotger

Consorci de les Vies Verdes de Girona

Другой опыт - Велотуризм впечатления

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